How To Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings-Part 2

    This is the Part 2 of my series "How To Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings".You can read the full series here  at Part 1,Part 2,Part 3.
        I have already given quite a few tips like increasing traffic,choosing number of ads etc.Now lets move onto our next series of tips.

Tips to increase Adsense earnings

6.Ad Format

          Well,you must have corrected your ad number,and have implemented Adsense responsive ads by now.But along with that,an equally important concept is ad format.

        This usually varies from blog to blog.For some blogs,the leaderboard and skyscraper work very well,while for others its the square button.The only way you can understand which is the best for you is through experimenting.So try and find the best ad format for your blog.Change the ad format from time to time and see which one works for you.

7.Good Blog Design

           Your blog design should be pretty.By "pretty",I am not referring to graphics,flash,animation and other stuff.It should have a minimalistic design.This will not only increase your CTR(Click-through rate),it will also make your site faster to load and hence your site will rank higher in search engines.

8.Get search engine traffic

          The more the number of visitors to your blog,more the money you earn from your blog,right?Well,not always.If your visitors are only your friends and followers then chances are that they never click your ads.Just think if it were you.If you follow a blog,do you always click their ads?Well,atleast I don't.

           The solution is to get search engine traffic.Yes,search traffic converts the best because the people visiting your blog are genuinely interested in the product or ads.Just take an example-

        You have searched for Nokia Lumia 920.If you visit the first site you see its review and then a link or ad which allows you to buy the phone online.You will definitely click the ad.Thus CTR is increased.

9.Promote your blog's content

           If you think you’ve written something worthwhile spend time to let others know about it. Think about it before you send the email and don’t bombard the same people constantly with every topic you write on – be selective,polite and helpful with your emails but don’t be afraid to promote yourself.

        You can even join a blogging network like Indiblogger or you can read this post

10.Do search engine optimisation to increase your Google ranking

           This tip follows from tip #8.To get search engine traffic,you need to do SEO on your site.Check out this post to know more How To Do SEO In 2013 And Rank Higher In Google

                   You can read the full series of "How To Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings" at Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 or read the following posts about earning money online-


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