Google Adsense is,at present,the leading ad center for blogs present throughout this huge "blogosphere".Here are a few tips which will definitely help you to increase and maximize your earnings from Adsense.
The main reason why Google is able to offer you such high rates is simply that it has a huge authority and hence,most well advertisers post their ads on Google,which also offers you the maximum variety of ads for blogs belonging to any niche.
So without wasting further time,lets get to the main point-tips to increase your Adsense earnings
You can read the full series of "How To Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings" at Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 or read the following posts about earning money online-
The main reason why Google is able to offer you such high rates is simply that it has a huge authority and hence,most well advertisers post their ads on Google,which also offers you the maximum variety of ads for blogs belonging to any niche.
So without wasting further time,lets get to the main point-tips to increase your Adsense earnings
Tips to increase Google Adsense revenue
1.Increase your traffic
This is of course the most important tip.Increase your number of visitors,because the more number of eyeballs on the site,the greater the chances of clicking them.I would suggest that you should have atleast 1000 visitors per day to your blog,otherwise you aren't really going to earn anything significant.
You can read the following posts to increase your blog traffic-
- How To Get Instant Traffic To Your Blog
- How To Get 500 Visitors Daily In Just 2 Months
- How To Comment On Blogs To Increase Visitors
2.Choose the correct ad layout
Google Adsense ads have now become responsive.This can drastically increase your CTR(Click-throough-rate) and hence your Adsense earnings.Remember,nowadays,people use mobiles and tablets to browse the web rather than computers.So try to make full use of it.
Read this to know how to implement responsive ads-Google Adsense Ads Are Now Responsive
3.Choose ads that have high eCPM or pay more
Try to choose ads that can pay you higher.In order to do this,you need to write content that attracts high paying ads.Just take an example.
If you write about two topics-lets say one is about smartphones,tablets etc and the other is a travel blog,then the blog concerned with smartphones and tablets will show much higher paying ads.Why?
Because smartphones are about the latest technology and latest technology regarding ads are always high paying,which now brings me to my next point.
4.Choose the correct niche
I know that I always advise people to write on topics that they are passionate about,but if you are serious about earning money then you need to pick the right niche.This will automatically provide your blog with better ads.
My advice will be to write about technology,since these ads are the highest paying.But remember competition is extremely tough in this niche!
5.Number of ads
Don't put too many ads on your blog.You may think that more the number of ads,more money you are going to earn,but that is completely incorrect.Your readers might be annoyed by the ads and may even leave without reading your blog.You wouldn't want that,right?
My advice is-keep the number of ads to 2 or 3.Also,greater number of ads will unnecessarily slow down your site.You can read the full series of "How To Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings" at Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 or read the following posts about earning money online-
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